MeeGo v1.1 SDK Beta release provides a Qt Creator-based development environment for developing, debugging, and running mobile applications on N900, Aava and Netbook devices. An emulator (QEMU) is also provided for developing without target hardware.
MeeGo SDK components:
QtCreator 2.0.1
qt-tools 4.7.0
arm toolchain (cs2009q1 based)
ia32 toolchain (meego based)
MADDE 0.7.53
core sysroot (armv7l, ia32)
QEMU images
core (armv7l, ia32)
handset (armv7l, ia32)
netbook (ia32)
Known issues
Qt mobility backend is not fully functional. Full functionality will be in the near future.
Bug #8960 USB connection does not work in Aava device. Workaround: use WLAN connection for connecting development environment and Aava device.
Bug #8938 Hard coded M_PREFIX and M_LIBDIR in features/meegotouch_defines.prf Workaround: modify qmake.conf in the sysroot images and add a line (QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath-Link,...)
Bug #9184 "Stop MeeGo Emulator" in Qt Creator does not work. Workaround: close MeeGo Emulator by clicking the "x" Exit button in Qemu window
Bug #9181 FAIL to update meego-qemu-ia32 to an already installed SDK. Workaround: Remove/reinstall the component with mad-admin remove command. Remove The Target and remove folder /usr/lib/madde/linux-i686/tools/qemu-meego.
Bug #9729